
Shreya Dave, Jeff Grossman, and their co-researchers Brent Keller PhD ’16 and Karen Golmer, innovator in residence at MIT’s Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation, have published an account of their experience with learning by stepping out of their labs, using their work on membranes as a case study, in the journal Joule. That paper, Grossman says, is “not about our membrane per se,” though they do discuss the details of its development, but rather it is “our story of bridging the gap between the research and how to commercialize it.”

新的阐述做详细的经济分析,并有深入的交谈使用的研究项目主要集中在技术人员的重要性。亚搏娱乐网页版登陆图片:何塞·路易斯·奥利瓦雷斯/ MIT。通过SHREYA戴夫左背景图像。
