US News and World Report Rankings

The 2011 undergraduate rankings were released this week and MIT has maintained its position as the top engineering school, including the top ranking for materials engineering. Learn more fromUS News and…

MIT Energy Club Events

With a new school year underway you are invited to participate in the MIT Energy Club 2011 Kickoff events. The first event will be an information session on September 12ththat gives an overview of the MIT student energy community and all the major events.…

MIT battery breakthrough

Professor Yang Shao-Horn and colleagues recently revealed an energy storagebreakthroughthat could one day make batteries more commercially competitive with gasoline. Learn more from…

A new approach to scratch resistance

Analysis by Meng Qu, a postdoc in MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Prof. Krystyn Van Vliet, and several researchers at DuPont Nanocomposite Technologies in Delaware could lead to improved coatings using polymer-based nanocomposite materials. Learn more from the…

Prof. Fink named RLE Director

Yoel Fink PhD ’00, a professor of materials science and a MacVicar Faculty Fellow, has been named the next director of MIT’s Research Laboratory of Electronics. Learn more from theMIT News Office.

REU/RET Poster Session

材料科学与工程中心亚博网站首页nd the Materials Processing Center host a summer internship program that engages undergraduates from colleges and universities across the country in materials research at MIT for the summer. Similarly, a group of local science teachers are on…

Professor Suresh receives 2011 Nadai Medal from ASME

Congratulations to Prof. Subra Suresh on receiving the 2011 Nadai Medal from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers! Prof. Suresh, the current head of the National Science Foundation, is honored for his pioneering contributions to the field of fracture and fatigue of engineering materials…

New ways to store solar energy

A novel application of carbon nanotubes, developed by Prof. Jeff Grossman and his group, shows promise as an innovative approach to storing solar energy for use whenever it’s needed. Learn more from the …

MIT ACCESS program accepting applications

The mission of the ACCESS program is to increase the diversity of qualified applicants to PhD programs in chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials science throughout the United States. ACCESS is a weekend of educational and informative events that will introduce talented sophomores,…

New advances in battery design

MIT researchers have developed a new technique to recharge batteries more quickly, using an innovative architecture called a semi-solid flow cell, in which solid particles are suspended in a carrier liquid and pumped through the system. This research comes from work performed by Professors Craig…

Prof. Sadoway and energy storage

Earlier this week, Prof. Don Sadoway gave a talk about liquid metal batteries for large-scale energy storage and non lithium-ion batteries for automotive applications, at an event organized by the MIT Club of Northern California.…

Prof. Chris Schuh named MacVicar Fellow

We're proud to announce that Prof. Chris Schuh is one of the 2011 MacVicar Fellows. The MacVicar Fellowship is one of MIT's highest honors and recognizes Margaret MacVicar, 1964, ScD 1967, MIT's first dean for undergraduate education and founder of UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities…

Semiconductors built inside optical fibers

Dr. Nick Orf and other members of the Fink group have developed a method to build semiconductor devices inside a fiber. This work continues the intriguing fiber research from the Fink group, such as the smart fibers that sense sound and light, the singing fibers, and the perfect mirror fibers.…

Prof. Fitzgerald honored by IEEE

IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, has honored Prof. Gene Fitzgerald as a co-recipient of the Andrew S. Grove Award. This is the highest award presented by the electronic devices community. Prof. Fitzgerald is cited for his "seminal contributions to the demonstration of…

Prof. Ortiz named dean for graduate education

Prof. Christine Ortiz will be the new dean for graduate education, effective Aug. 1. The dean collaborates with students, faculty, and staff across the Institute on issues related to graduate education and research and focuses on increasing graduate-student opportunities for academic,…

Prof. Suresh tapped as NSF head

On Thursday, June 3, President Obama announced his intent to nominate Prof. Subra Suresh as Director of the National Science Foundation. Prof. Suresh joined the DMSE faculty in 1993 and served as the Department Head prior to his appointment as Dean of Engineering. Learn more about the…