
“亚搏娱乐网页版登陆研究人员在UCF和MIT已经创建了利用在多材料纤维的流体的不稳定性的经济的,微粒和纳米颗粒的有效的可扩展的制造方法,通过这种新的技术,可以在宽范围的尺寸来创建的球形颗粒,从低于a millimeter to the tens of nanometers, using a variety of materials (e.g., glasses, polymers, liquids, and metals). This process uses a top-down, non-lithographic approach that provides precise control of the spherical particles’ composition and structure. This innovation can be applied in many fields such as chemistry, physics, and biology, e.g., the creation of three-dimensional optical and acoustic meta-materials, the enabling of optical-resonance-based sensitive direction of chemical species and pathogens, and the formation of sophisticated controlled-release drug delivery systems." - UCF
