
3个问题:为什么材料?通过学术界和他们决定在学科上工作和研究他们的社区与他们的道路分享故事。亚搏娱乐网页版登陆在这个问题中,Elsa Olivetti教授股份关于她在可持续发展问题周围的早期兴奋的份额将她带来了研究“事情”和移动,修改和激增世界各地材料的系统。

Elsa Olivetti教授与学生互动

Elsa Olivetti教授与3.007介绍的学生在快速原型想法上与材料和机械设计合作。


"During the first year of my undergraduate degree at the University of Virginia, I was planning to major in environmental science because of my long standing interest in sustainability. (When I was 8 years old, a Greenpeace canvasser came to my parents’ door and I was the one who answered it. The images he shared, the problems he described, and the opportunity to develop solutions was riveting, I was hooked). Fall of my sophomore year at UVA, I took a class called Environmental Choices taught by architect and author, William McDonough. He described case studies he had done in design and thinking from a cradle-to-cradle perspective. His work with Nike to understand the impacts of the materials used in their products and also the processes to make those materials was visionary and inspiring to my 19 year old self: tanning leather without toxins, biological-materials for rubber, etc. He drew examples from Hewlett Packard printer design that led to reusable ink cartridges. To me, he was describing innovations in “stuff” and how they would be linked to a larger system implications. And I learned that the study of stuff was called Materials Science & Engineering. So then I decided I wanted to understand the fundamentals of materials’ abilities to help move us to a more sustainable world. I transferred into the engineering school and studied Materials Science and Engineering."


"My research focuses on the environmental and economic implications of materials to try to understand how early on in the development of a material we can understand its system-level impact. As a Materials Industrial Ecologist, I’m interested in designing our industrial systems to be more like natural ecosystems (loop closing, efficient, etc.) through looking at the design of materials, processes and systems. We do this using approaches from life cycle assessment, resource economics, data-driven techniques to experimental work in beneficial use of waste materials and recycling. At MIT, the DMSE community address grand societal challenges by thinking at the tiniest and grandest scales--to rethink the molecular structure of new technology while considering the materials systems within cities and industry."




